
class ethaergo_wallet.wallet.EthAergoWallet(config_file_path: str, config_data: Dict[KT, VT] = None, root_path: str = './', eth_gas_price: int = 10, aergo_gas_price: int = 0)

EthAergoWallet transfers tokens on the Eth<->Aergo Bridge

aergo_to_eth_sidechain(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, amount: int, aergo_receiver: str, aergo_privkey_name: str = 'default', aergo_privkey_pwd: str = None, eth_privkey_name: str = 'default', eth_privkey_pwd: str = None) → None

Transfer a native Aergo Standard Token or Aer to Ethereum

burn_to_aergo(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, amount: int, receiver: str, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Initiate minted Standard token transfer back to aergo origin

burn_to_eth(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, amount: int, receiver: str, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Initiate minted token transfer back to ethereum origin

eth_to_aergo_sidechain(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, amount: int, aergo_receiver: str, aergo_privkey_name: str = 'default', aergo_privkey_pwd: str = None, eth_privkey_name: str = 'default', eth_privkey_pwd: str = None) → None

Transfer a native ERC20 or ether to Aergo

freeze(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, amount: int, receiver: str, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Initiate Aer transfer back to Ethereum AergoERC20 sidechain

get_aergo(network_name: str, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None, skip_state: bool = False) → aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo

Return aergo provider with new account created with priv_key

get_balance_aergo(asset_name: str, network_name: str, asset_origin_chain: str = None, account_name: str = 'default', account_addr: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Get account name balance of asset_name on network_name, and specify asset_origin_chain for a pegged asset query,

get_balance_eth(asset_name: str, network_name: str, asset_origin_chain: str = None, account_name: str = 'default', account_addr: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Get account name balance of asset_name on network_name, and specify asset_origin_chain for a pegged asset query,

get_signer(w3: web3.main.Web3, privkey_name: str, privkey_pwd: str = None)

Get the web3 signer object from the ethereum private key.

load_bridge_abi(from_chain: str, to_chain: str) → str

Load Ethereum bridge contract abi from file location in config.

load_erc20_abi(origin_chain: str, asset_name: str) → str

Load erc20 contract abi from file location in config.

load_keystore(privkey_name: str) → str

Load encrypted private key from Ethereum json keystore.

load_minted_erc20_abi(from_chain: str, to_chain: str) → str

Load Ethereum bridge contract minted token abi from file location in config.

lock_to_aergo(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, amount: int, receiver: str, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Initiate ERC20 token or Ether transfer to Aergo sidechain

lock_to_eth(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, amount: int, receiver: str, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[int, str]

Initiate Aergo Standard Token transfer to Ethereum sidechain

mint_to_aergo(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str = None, lock_height: int = 0, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → str

Finalize ERC20 token or Ether transfer to Aergo sidechain

mint_to_eth(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str = None, lock_height: int = 0, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[str, str]

Finalize Aergo Standard Token transfer to Ethereum sidechain NOTE anybody can mint so sender is not necessary. The amount to mint is the difference between total deposit and already minted amount. Bridge tempo is taken from config_data

minteable_to_aergo(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str) → Tuple[int, int]

Check minteable balance on Aergo.

minteable_to_eth(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str) → Tuple[int, int]

Check minteable balance on Ethereum.

unfreeze(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, receiver: str = None, lock_height: int = 0, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → str

Finalize ERC20Aergo transfer to Aergo Mainnet by unfreezing (aers are already minted and freezed in the bridge contract)

unfreezeable(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, receiver: str) → Tuple[int, int]

Check unfreezeable balance on Aergo.

unlock_to_aergo(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str, burn_height: int = 0, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → str

Finalize Aergo Standard token transfer back to Aergo Origin

unlock_to_eth(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str = None, burn_height: int = 0, privkey_name: str = 'default', privkey_pwd: str = None) → Tuple[str, str]

Finalize ERC20 or Eth transfer back to Ethereum origin

unlockeable_to_aergo(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str) → Tuple[int, int]

Check unlockeable balance on Aergo.

unlockeable_to_eth(from_chain: str, to_chain: str, asset_name: str, receiver: str) → Tuple[int, int]

Check unlockeable balance on Ethereum.

ethaergo_wallet.aergo_to_eth.build_burn_proof(aergo_from: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, w3: web3.main.Web3, receiver: str, bridge_from: str, bridge_to: str, bridge_to_abi: str, burn_height: int, token_origin: str)

Check the last anchored root includes the burn and build a burn proof for that root

ethaergo_wallet.aergo_to_eth.build_lock_proof(aergo_from: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, w3: web3.main.Web3, receiver: str, bridge_from: str, bridge_to: str, bridge_to_abi: str, lock_height: int, token_origin: str)

Check the last anchored root includes the lock and build a lock proof for that root

ethaergo_wallet.aergo_to_eth.burn(aergo_from: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, bridge_from: str, receiver: str, value: int, token_pegged: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[int, str]

Burn a minted token on a sidechain.

ethaergo_wallet.aergo_to_eth.freeze(aergo_from: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, bridge_from: str, receiver: str, value: int, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[int, str]

Freeze aergo native

ethaergo_wallet.aergo_to_eth.lock(aergo_from: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, bridge_from: str, receiver: str, value: int, asset: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[int, str]

Lock can be called to lock aer or tokens. it supports delegated transfers when tx broadcaster is not the same as the token owner web3.main.Web3, signer_acct, receiver: str, lock_proof: aergo.herapy.obj.sc_state.SCState, token_origin: str, bridge_to: str, bridge_to_abi: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[str, str]

Mint the receiver’s deposit balance on aergo_to.

ethaergo_wallet.aergo_to_eth.unlock(w3: web3.main.Web3, signer_acct, receiver: str, burn_proof: aergo.herapy.obj.sc_state.SCState, token_origin: str, bridge_to: str, bridge_to_abi: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[str, str]

Unlock the receiver’s burnt balance on aergo_to.

ethaergo_wallet.eth_to_aergo.build_burn_proof(w3: web3.main.Web3, aergo_to: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, receiver: str, bridge_from: str, bridge_to: str, burn_height: int, token_origin: str)

Check the last anchored root includes the lock and build a lock proof for that root

ethaergo_wallet.eth_to_aergo.build_lock_proof(w3: web3.main.Web3, aergo_to: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, receiver: str, bridge_from: str, bridge_to: str, lock_height: int, token_origin: str)

Check the last anchored root includes the lock and build a lock proof for that root

ethaergo_wallet.eth_to_aergo.burn(w3: web3.main.Web3, signer_acct, receiver: str, amount: int, bridge_from: str, bridge_from_abi: str, token_pegged: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int)

Burn a token that was minted on ethereum.

ethaergo_wallet.eth_to_aergo.lock(w3: web3.main.Web3, signer_acct, receiver: str, amount: int, bridge_from: str, bridge_from_abi: str, erc20_address: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int, next_nonce: int = None)

Lock an Ethereum ERC20 token. aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, receiver: str, lock_proof: web3.datastructures.AttributeDict, token_origin: str, bridge_to: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[str, str]

Unlock the receiver’s deposit balance on aergo_to.

ethaergo_wallet.eth_to_aergo.unfreeze(aergo_to: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, receiver: str, lock_proof: web3.datastructures.AttributeDict, bridge_to: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → str

Unlock the receiver’s deposit balance on aergo_to.

ethaergo_wallet.eth_to_aergo.unlock(aergo_to: aergo.herapy.aergo.Aergo, receiver: str, burn_proof: web3.datastructures.AttributeDict, token_origin: str, bridge_to: str, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → str

Unlock the receiver’s deposit balance on aergo_to.

ethaergo_wallet.eth_utils.contract_deployer.deploy_contract(bytecode: str, abi: str, w3: web3.main.Web3, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int, privkey: bytes, *args)

Deploy a new contract to ethereum.

ethaergo_wallet.eth_utils.erc20.increase_approval(spender: str, asset_addr: str, amount: int, w3: web3.main.Web3, erc20_abi: str, signer_acct, gas_limit: int, gas_price: int) → Tuple[int, str]

Increase approval increases the amount of tokens that spender can withdraw. For older tokens without the increaseApproval function in the abi, approval should be set to 0 and then to amount. Newer tokens with increaseAllowance should also be suported